[Sca-cooks] Period Tomatoes

Terry Decker t.d.decker at worldnet.att.net
Sun May 15 14:28:56 PDT 2005


If the English got tomato from the Turkish "domatesli," why does the OED 
(which does detailed work on English word origins) have it from Nahautl via 
Spanish?  The fact that a Turkish language instructor says that "tomato" 
derives from Turkish does not make it so.  Without supporting documentation, 
this is a single point of reference, making it of questionable validity.


> I've run into a character on another list who insists that the Turks were 
> using tomatoes for thousands of years before the rest of Europe.  Claims 
> his Turkish Language teachers in the '60's taught him that the English 
> word 'tomato' comes from the Turkish "domatesli" and that he has recipes 
> from the Seljurk Empire.  When asked for a recipe he came up with one from 
> the Turkish embassy that is obviously modern.  When faced with the 
> research material I have on the subject, he insisted that American sources 
> were clueless about Old World botany. He's one of these people that refuse 
> to be relieved of their delusions, so I've quit arguing with him.
> Problem is, he's in a forum where a lot of SCA cooks are, who are, and we 
> know that sometime in the future this recipe is going to show up at a 
> feast or as an A&S entry.
> Oh well, I did my best.  Any more would be wasted breath.
> Pat Griffin
> Lady Anne du Bosc

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