Fw: [Sca-cooks] FW: Turkish Recipe

Laura C. Minnick lcm at jeffnet.org
Mon May 16 03:01:14 PDT 2005

At 02:33 AM 5/16/2005, you wrote:
> >
> > Hey, I want to know who dubbed him 'America's best-selling poet'- if only
> > so I can grab up some Whitman or Dickinson or Frost or Ginsburg or Hughes
> > or Sandburg or... and SHOVE IT DOWN THEIR THROAT!
>A person named Brian Bruya, in both cases, interestingly enough.
>However, 'best-selling' depends on the time period you choose to observe.
>Maybe Rumi outsold the American classics for 16 days in early December 2003?

I looked Brian Bruya up- a PhD candidate in Philosophy at University of 
Hawaii, almost all of his work centered on Asian mystic/philosophers, and 
most of that in translating and editing Chinese works. Looks like Doubleday 
published a bunch of his translations (seem to be student editions) in the 
mid-late 90s. His language background is Modern Standard Chinese, Classical 
Chinese (Cantonese? Mandarin? huh?), and Japanese (written). A variety of 
Taoist and Marxist themes in his publication record, but nothing on a Sufi 
mystic of indeterminate age.

But he must be doing something right, because Amazon is commissioning him 
to write reviews, for what that's worth. *However*, I don't see anything 
anywhere in Mr Bruya's CV that would indicate that he speaks or reads 
Turkish or knows anything about Sufi culture or about a certain variety of 
nightshade that they may or may not have put in their food before 1492. So 
there ya go- back to those rotten tomatoes.

O it is excellent to have a giant's strength; but it is tyrannous To use it 
like a giant--Shakespeare, Measure for Measure, Act II  

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