[Sca-cooks] Cheese Goo Project

Barbara Benson voxeight at gmail.com
Thu Oct 6 09:44:14 PDT 2005


So it is coming up on A&S season here in Meridies and I have been
contemplating what project I should do. The Jellied Milk thread
started me compiling stuff there, but it just isn't exciting me right

And then, while perusing The Original Mediterranean Cuisine I noticed
a cheese spread type recipe from Sent Sovi. And I thought, hey, why
not do something that looks at cheese goo type stuff across the ages.
Starting with Moretum from Ancient times up to STC in OOP 17th

So far I have the three mentioned along with one from the
Anon-Andalusian Cookbook. And a German one previously posted to this
list by Giano.

Speaking of this one, Giano, this one is listed as from the
Wolfenbüttel MS but with no other attribution. Would it be possible to
get a date and region for that?

59. Men schal nemen garophesneghele unde musschaten, cardemomen,
peper, ingever, alle lickwol gheweghen, unde make daraff botteren
edder kese.

So, the question here is, has anyone else stumbled across period
references for a savory cheese spread type dish? I would appreciate
any direction that could be provided.

Glad Tidings,
Serena da Riva

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