[Sca-cooks] Beer for a Queen

Huette von Ahrens ahrenshav at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 18 14:23:49 PDT 2005

--- Jeff Gedney <gedney1 at iconn.net> wrote:

> >So, the Alcohol Fairy (yes Charlie Brown, he is real) magically deposits 
> >17 gallons of spiced wine in the kitchen for my next feast. Am I allowed 
> >to make it available to the feast participants in general (if of legal age)?
> As far as I know the SCA inc forbids such service because the Alcohol is provided as part of a
> pris fixe meal, which participants have paid for, and therefore risks running afoul of the US
> Code of Federal Regulations Chapter 27.

Actually, there are ways of getting around this.  First off, no alcohol should be listed as
part of the menu, so those who purchase said pris fixe meal have no expectation of having
alcohol served.  Secondly, just before the meal is served, have a herald announce that '"Lord 
and Lady Doe" [or whomever it is] wish to give a gift to all diners over the age of 21 and have
brought a keg of beer or a barrel of wine for those who wish to accept such a gift.  Please
tell your drink server that you wish to accept the offer and be prepared to show proof of age.' 
This makes the alcohol a gift, which is allowed in the rules, not part of a pris fixe meal, and
the requirement of checking ids will cover any legal worries about serving alcohol to minors.

In my opinion, if a Queen wants diners at a banquet in her honor to have access to beer, she
will have to provide it out of her own funds and give it to them as a gift. 


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