[Sca-cooks] An Italian recipe for sauerkraut? was sour cabbage - german recipe

Louise Smithson helewyse at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 14 05:39:00 PDT 2005

So I would say that Sauerkraut is probably late period, but we just haven't found the recipes
yet.  Huette

I figure that this will make the whole discussion more complicated. I came across this recipe in Scappi some time ago.  It refers to cabbage in salt, packed in wooden barrels or ceramic vases. It could easily be another salted cabbage or it could indeed be sauerkraut.  Although one could argue that just about any cabbage stored in a salty liquid will become sauerkraut anyway.  


Per far minestra di cauli cappucci stati in sale. Cap CXCVII

Son portati in Trevisi & in Venetia di terra Todesca cauli cappucci salati con salimora in vasi di terra o di legno, li quali cavati che son dalla salimora si lavano in più acque, & si fanno stare in molle, & si fanno perlessare con acqua semplice; & cavinosi d’essa acqua, & rinfreschinosi con altre acque, & faccianosi cuocere in brodo di carne di vaccina grassa, spigoli d’aglia ammaccati, & cotti che sono si cavano ascuitti, & si copreno di agliata. Si possono ancho soffrigere con lo strutto liquefatto, & aglio, & cipollette battute dapoi che saranno cotti nel brodo, & si serveno con pepe, & fior di finocchio sopra. 

To make a dish of headed cabbage kept in salt. Chapter 197

Into Trevisi and Venice is carried from Germany salted headed cabbage with salted liquid in vessels of ceramic or of wood. The which is taken from the salted liquid and washed in water and then soaked in water and parboiled in simple water. One takes it from this water and refreshes it with more water, and put it to cook in fatty beef broth with chopped garlic cloves, and when it is cooked one takes it out dry (strains it) and covers it with garlic sauce. One can also fry it in melted lard with garlic and chopped onions after it has been cooked in the broth and one serves it with pepper and ground fennel above. 

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