[Sca-cooks] Lovage, Lovage, who's got the Lovage?

Aurelia Rufinia aureliarufinia at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 26 12:43:30 PDT 2006

Lets talk lovage.  I made the mushrooms stems (Apcius
3-something) this weekend, and while it was tasty, I
did not have any lovage.  Giacosa and Faas both seem
to imply that celery tops are a reasonable substitute
for lovage, but I hate buying a whole package of
celery just to use some of the tops (I hate celery and
don't eat it, given a choice).  So I used parsely as
my stunt stand in for the celery that would have
substitutued for lovage.  

Which just seems a tiny bit silly.  

Haven't been able to find lovage- cooking gurus in the
area say the best way to get lovage is to order seeds
and grow it yourself (whihc is not so much an option
for me right now).  

So what do you suggest?


Baroness Aurelia Rufinia
Barony of Carolingia, 
East Kingdom, Northshield Ex-Pat

"I think we've all arrived at a very special place. Spiritually, ecumenically, grammatically..."

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