[Sca-cooks] Re: about that coffee invite.

Caointiarn caointiarn1 at bresnan.net
Tue Apr 18 17:57:53 PDT 2006

Capt Elias waxed so eloquently:
>if you loathe coffee but like the aroma, that means you have never had it 
>properly made, from truly freshly roasted beans.<> Roasted, ground and 
>correctly made usng water of the correct temperature, within a couple hours 
>of roasting, it is sweet and not at all bitter. <

You mustn't forget the water SOURCE! I have foregone coffee in restaurants 
because of the use of yucky municipal water  -- even as they advertise a 
"special brand" of coffee  that tastes wonderful at HOME made with purified 
water vs the restaurant's cheap use of TAP {ick, pa-tooie!}water.

Caointiarn, ordinary coffee snob 

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