[Sca-cooks] period pickles and chutney

Judith L. Smith Adams judifer50 at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 22 00:41:47 PDT 2006

Judith, who must have chutney in her life,said:
...And how about some portable pickles... and a bit of chutney?

  Stefan wrote:
Are you talking specifically about pickled cucumbers? Or are you 
including other pickled items when you mention "pickles"? ...  there are quite a number of other pickled food items, both vegetable and meat.

A few Florilegium files:  
pickled-foods...pickled food.recipes...pickled-meats...Period pickled meats...Lord's 
Salt. recipes...MEATS/pickled-meats...presrvd-lemons-msg...Dried, pickled and salted preserved lemons...FOOD-FRUITS/presrvd-lemons...sauerkraut...Period sauerkraut and pickled cabbage...FOOD-VEGETABLES/sauerkraut...

  If chopped finely, compost is perhaps the closest medieval equivalent 
to chutney...A pickled food of fruits and vegetables.  http://www.florilegium.org/files/FOOD/compost-msg.html

  At the time, I was thinking rather vaguely of balancing the flavors of garlicky melted cheese and flatbread with sweet-sour-salt accompaniments, but if I were to be more specific...
  Tiny sweet gherkins are a favorite of mine... as is pickled ginger... radish... peaches... cherries... spiced, pickled apple rings... whole pickled crabapples... julienne carrots...  beets... tiny onions... Fruits or vegetables, whole or in attractive pieces, or a combination, which is what compost seems to be...
  Thank you for the list of Flori-files - just the headings list gives me ideas for things I haven't considered before.

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