[Sca-cooks] 16th C non-alcoholic drinks?

lilinah at earthlink.net lilinah at earthlink.net
Tue Apr 25 18:54:03 PDT 2006

Johnnae wrote:
>I checked the new edition of La Varenne by Scully.
>There's Lemonade and Orangeade as well as a selection
>of Italian Waters. These are in the French Confectioner.

Ah, well, i don't own that, and i doubt i'll be able to get it in 
time - our Beltane begins next week on Wednesday, and the Salon is 
Saturday, May 6. But it's good to know for the future - unless 
someone is willing to send me the recipes - this is not a request or 
a hint - i've no idea how many recipes there are. I have the Hyman 
introduced La Varenne, which does not include the Confectioner.

>I suppose bottled spring or still waters of choice would be an
>option also. Or let everyone BYOB or just provide chilled sodas with
>ice and finely chopped ice/snow. Summer requires ice these days.
>The USA seems to have provided itself with a multitude of drinks
>that go far beyond what the rest of the world offers. This question
>of ice or no ice and how cold is a can of chilled soda is still
>something one encounters in England today. I know I turned
>down a lot of warm cans of sodas on this last trip.

Yeah, well, i'm just praying it doesn't keep raining. It was supposed 
to rain today, hasn't yet here where i am, but has elsewhere in the 
Bay Area... I'd just love to see some sunshine and blue sky. It 
rained 65 out of the first 68 days of the year. Now it's raining a 
bit less - maybe half and half.

Weather for Beltane is usually nice, in the low 40s at night and in 
the 70s during the day, but i don't have my hopes up this year. I'm 
planning to go up on Thursday morning and set up the French bell 
wedge. But if it's going to be raining, i may just go up Friday 
evening and sleep in my van for two nights. I have no place to dry 
out a large canvas tent if it's still wet on Sunday.

So no chopped ice/snow - and i think i'll drag my Coleman stove along 
so if it's really chilly i can serve the beverages warm.
Urtatim (that's err-tah-TEEM)
the persona formerly known as Anahita

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