[Sca-cooks] OoP: Crudites

lilinah at earthlink.net lilinah at earthlink.net
Thu Feb 16 14:24:30 PST 2006

Thanks for all the suggestions.

- I forget about cucumbers, because i'm not fond of them. But other 
folks like them. I'll get the kind with the soft seeds and the dull 
wrinkled skin, since it goes down better, even though it costs a tad 
- Zucchini will also go well.
- I'll skip the turnips, but i might try some celery root.
- And nice red and yellow bell peppers will add color.
- Asian long white radish will look too much like the jicama, but 
small radishes i love - i've had bad luck with them lately, being too 
bland - and i think they were intentionally bred to be bland.
- Snow peas are good too.

And the baby corn was a brilliant suggestion - if i can find them 
this time of year not canned (canned are easy to find).

Anyway, thanks again, folks.

Now i'm searching for dip ideas for the raw veggies... i'm thinking 
spinach dip (i'm planning a mild but nicely spiced Persian recipe) 
and hummos... i'd like one more that is lighter than hummos and 
non-dairy. I'm considering olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and herbs, 
but something more interesting would be welcome.

Urtatim / Anahita
cooking the beef dish tonight and the chicken dish tomorrow

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