[Sca-cooks] Road Trip, was: Lenten ideas for non Christians...

King's Taste Productions kingstaste at comcast.net
Sun Feb 19 14:13:25 PST 2006

Ok, I understand now.  When I am on this list I think as Radei, and not
as Dale.  I was thinnking the topic was Lent for Persona-Non-Christians,
not Lent for Non-Christian-Mundanes with Christian Perosas.

Mudanely I was Raised Amish-Menonite/Athiest, My Persona is of course
Russian Orthodox<early, still hints of the Pre-Christian-Russian world
intact>.  I Practice meatless fridays<have for 18 years, though I am not
Catholic, was married to one>.  


	Wow, I think you just blew my mind....
	But yes, now that you say it that way, I am in that group (there
are that many of us that it is a group?!?).  I am interested in what my
persona, a practicing Christian (although I think she too would not be
completely one with the idea) would have to go through on a daily basis
during the Lenten season.  
	I am not a practicing Christian, although I was baptized both
Catholic and Episcopalian.  I even taught Sunday school to the younger
kids when I was a teenager, although I wanted to do it so I wouldn't
have to sit through the services.  I am, however a student of the
Church, and of how it affected the everyday lives of the people in the
past.  I am also interested in deepening my persona development, so this
is a natural step, it being about food and all.  :)
	My modern food knowledge and health issues have changed my diet
in many profound ways, which include not eating much in the way of
packaged foods.  In that way I'm already closer to a medieval diet.  I
don't eat dairy now, so almond milk is always my friend, and I am used
to not using cheese and other creamy products so I don't have to
substitute.  I have eliminated so much that when I start cutting out
things for a religious-based fast, I am pretty sincerely limited in my
options.  I think that feeling brought me closer to understanding
Christianna's life better than anything else.  This year I want to
explore more Mediterranean options, but I don't know how much of that
13th century England and the northeastern continent would have known.
My persona plans are to head towards Salerno, where I understand they
will train women to be doctors.  Perhaps heading that way during Lent
would be a good way to keep my diet varied! Great zot - I see an
adventure on the horizon!
Off to pack for a road trip...

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