Spring Feast during Lent was Re: [Sca-cooks] Speaking of Lent....

Sue Clemenger mooncat at in-tch.com
Sun Feb 19 19:23:25 PST 2006

Only partly.  I'm not the Head Cook, but I will be helping.  A lot.  I am
*not* expecting special adaptations on the part of the Head Cook.  Knowing
her, she'll probably try anyway, but she should know *me* well enough to
remember that I'll hurt her if she does.  This is a thing I'm doing for me,
not a thing designed or intended to make more work for someone else! ;o)
I'm not sure, at this point (haven't seen a final menu yet) if I'll be able
to eat some-but-not-all of the feast, or if it'll just be easier to bring my
own.  I know she won't be serving any type of fish, as our Baron despises it
all badly enough to leave the room when it's present (and if he knows about
it).  (Nice man, but two years of no-fish feasts, just after two years of a
baronial pair that didn't eat pork, is a bit of a minor annoyance.)  I'll be
able to bring a fish dish of some sort in, as long as I'm not sitting too
close to him. ;o)  I'm thinking a salmon tart with dried fruit baked in (in
one of my cookbooks...don't recall which one, off the top of my head.  I've
got knitting and not food on the brain right now ;o)
Oh, and Maire would have had a much greater access to fresh fish/seafood,
living near a major seaport (Dublin), than do I (several hundreds of miles
inland).  I'm planning on using a combination of frozen fish, and some
salted/dried cod that a friend sent me a link for. ;o)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stefan li Rous" <StefanliRous at austin.rr.com>
To: "SCA-Cooks maillist SCA-Cooks" <SCA-Cooks at ansteorra.org>
Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2006 6:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Sca-cooks] Speaking of Lent....

>  >>>
> What will make this extra-interesting this year is that our barony's
> annual
> Spring Feast (and A&S Competition) falls within the Lenten season, so
> I'll
> have to bring my own food. <g>
> <<<
> Maybe. But then we've talked multiple times on this list about folks
> with special diets, including vegetarian, should be able to still eat
> our feasts by leaving out some items. Or requesting ahead of time
> that the cook plan to modify some dishes for them. Here is a chance
> for you, as the feaster rather than the cook, to try it from the
> other side. (Unless you *are* going to be the cook for your barony's
> Spring Feast).

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