Spring Feast during Lent was Re: [Sca-cooks] Speaking of Lent....

Adele de Maisieres ladyadele at paradise.net.nz
Sun Feb 19 19:23:47 PST 2006

Sue Clemenger wrote:

>I know she won't be serving any type of fish, as our Baron despises it
>all badly enough to leave the room when it's present (and if he knows about
>it).  (Nice man, but two years of no-fish feasts, just after two years of a
>baronial pair that didn't eat pork, is a bit of a minor annoyance.)  
The man clearly needs to grow up, and cooks need to quit pandering to him. 

Remember the Great Chain of Being: God -> Angels -> Saints -> Cooks -> 
Kings -> Everybody Else. 

But seriously, I wouldn't omit anything because some individual won't 
eat it, and I don't care if it's Baron Thusandsuch or the Queen of 
Sheba.  It's a feast, not a restaurant.  Serve a good variety of food, 
provide alternates if you feel it's really necessary.  They're grownups, 
they'll cope.

>I'll be
>able to bring a fish dish of some sort in, as long as I'm not sitting too
>close to him. ;o)  I'm thinking a salmon tart with dried fruit baked in (in
>one of my cookbooks...don't recall which one, off the top of my head.  I've
>got knitting and not food on the brain right now ;o)
Sounds yum.

Adele de Maisieres

Book now for Canterbury Faire 

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