[Sca-cooks] OOP bag sealer question

Cat . tgrcat2001 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 16 09:13:02 PST 2006

I have checked Stefans Floriligium and on the
comparison page that was posted here a bit ago, and
found a little information but not quite what I would
like to know.

Those of you who have or have used one of those Vacuum
sealers (SealAMeal, FoodSaver, etc)  Which one would
you buy and why (or why not.)  I will be feeding a
small herd at Estrella again, and since I also want to
have time to do other stuff I will be precooking some
nice periody stuff, freezing, and just reheating in
the boiling water (which then provides nice hot water
for cleaning the dishes after! )  Worked like a dream
last year, but the machine I borrowed is no longer
with me, so I want to invest in my own (but am on a
SERIOUS budget, so price is a consideration!) 

In service and curiosity
Gwen I like to get2 birds with one stone Cat

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