[Sca-cooks] Immersion blenders

Anne Murphy afmmurphy at gmail.com
Sat Jan 7 18:45:02 PST 2006

Yes,blenders with bottoms that unscrew do exist. I had one. Note the
tense...  it was relatively easy to clean, but one day it started
leaking all over the place- very slowly... turned out the thread
cracked slightly, and it would no longer tighten. Actually, it lasted
many years,but I never used it very much.

I replaced it with an immersion blender - and am using it more,
because I do find it easier to both use and clean, and more versatile!

Yes, I'm still here,  and slowly emerging from my crazy season...  
may actually post again one of these days. *G*


On 1/6/06, Sandra Kisner <sjk3 at cornell.edu> wrote:

> Actually, I think there are blenders where the bottom screws off, making
> clean-up quite easy.  I don't have one, however, and haven't actually
> *seen* one, so I can't actually prove they exist.  :-)   But I admit
> immersion blenders sound wonderful.  Someday....
> Sandra


Please note my new e-mail address.
Thank you!

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