[Sca-cooks] Egg Whites

Volker Bach carlton_bach at yahoo.de
Sun Jan 8 15:51:08 PST 2006

Am Sonntag, 8. Januar 2006 23:25 schrieb Kerri Martinsen:
> I saved about 7 gallons of egg white from the Atlantian 12th night feast
> this weekend. (the result of making custard) I am preparing a feast on Jan
> 28th - any suggestions?

> 3)  What would the period cook have done with them?  I have no pigs to feed
> them too :)

Well, 7 gallons is quite a lot...

consider the 'adventurous egg'. Basically, the idea was to get egg white and 
egg yolk separated and make a giant egg by boiling them inside bladders. 
Obviously, in your case that would have to be a giant Russian egg or 
something similar - make a huge egg white egg, halve it, scoop out where the 
yolk would have been, fill it with something tasty and serve as The Gods' Own 
Salad Bowl. 

Egg white is also used in a few dishes, like the Liber de Coquina's 'cabbage 
and fennel' - not specified as to how it is used, we pureed hard-boiled egg 
white and added it and that went OK, but with seven gallons I guess you could 
turn it into one huge omelet. (appended below)

Beat it to a stiff froth, let it stand overnight, pour off the liquid and give 
every illuminator you know a gonzo bottle of glair :)

Try making cake with just egg white. It'll be a little less rich, but much 
lighter, especially if you beat them first. I guess they'd also do OK as a 
binding medium in meat loaves or pastries. 

But seven gallons... you'll still have stuff left over. 


Cabbage with Fennel
Caulles delicatos ad usum dominurum prepara cum albumine ovorum et feniculo et 
cum omnibus carnibus.

Prepare delicate cabages for lords with egg white and fennel, and all manner 
of meat

Cabbage seems to have been a favourite vegetable in Italy at the time. This 
variety is simpler than most, and does not require pan-frying, making it 
suitable for large quantities.


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