[Sca-cooks] Ritters

otsisto otsisto at socket.net
Tue Mar 21 19:16:29 PST 2006

Bwahahaha...The least I can do since I can't get it in any store in my neck
o' the woods.

I heard a research somewhere that dark chocolate is healthy for you. If
anything chocolate is good for the teeth. (It's the sugar in the chocolate
that isn't good for the teeth)
Ah here it is.
Didn't you see Ritters diet chocolate?


-----Original Message-----
You are all just plain eeeevvvvviiiillllllll!!!!  Darn it all...I just
went back on my diet, determined to become a smaller person!  So, at
least for the next couple of weeks, I can't even have the plain dark
chocolate, which sounds absolutely dreamy.  You know, I never knew they
grew cacao in Papua New Guinea.  I used to live there, long many years
ago.  I knew they were growing coffee in the highlands, and it is a
particularly fine coffee...one of the peaberry varieties.  I guess they
sort of segued into cacao!  Good for them!


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