[Sca-cooks] Thanksgiving 2006

Elaine Koogler kiridono at gmail.com
Sat Nov 25 20:23:51 PST 2006

You mean you might be at Pennsic?  Yeah!!  Means I'll get to see you again.
I am coming out for Huette and Hroar's wedding...I think you mentioned that
you might be there as well, so maybe I can see you then.


On 11/25/06, Lilinah <lilinah at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Well, i goofed - i forgot to take the Tofurkey out of the freezer. So
> it took about 3 hours to cook rather than 1-1/2 to 2. But that was
> ok... it was done a little after noon. Clearly i'm not the only one,
> because there were directions on the box for cooking it frozen.
> And, hey, Wednesday night on one of those national network TV "news"
> shows, they actually did a segment on... Tofurkey!
> Thanks to the show, i got to see the giant mixing vats of tofu/seitan
> dough for the "meat" and to watch the machines extruding the stuff
> into its plastic casing and cut and seal the giant sausage-like
> lumps. The "host" confessed that he didn't like tofu, but graciously
> said it tasted good. He didn't seem to really understand what it can
> be like to be a vegetarian at a "normal" Thanksgiving dinner, as he
> interviewed several long-time vegetarians, who told some of their
> tales of having sad Thanksgivings before Tofurkey. Also, apparently
> it's "new and improved" - the proof will be in the eating. It got low
> marks from me 6 years ago.
> I did get the Macy's Parade on TV on time. It confirmed that i hate
> the way TV does parades. You hardly get to see anything, but they
> make sure that they get all sorts of TV "personalities" on to plug
> shows on the station broadcasting the parade or singers having
> recording contracts with the "music" arm of the "parent corporation".
> When the marching bands come through, they announce how special they
> are, what prize winners they are, then let you hear one minute or
> less of music and then cut to a commercial. And i LOVE marching band
> music - despite the fact that i'm a registered Green, tree-hugging,
> former hippie, and took at least 4 semesters of non-Western music
> classes, and classes in the history of blues and jazz at the
> university, and had an aunt who was a classical pianist, and i really
> love classical music and late 20th C. "serious" music. I want to hear
> the marching bands!!!
> Well, the proof WAS in the eating. The Tofurkey and the Tofurkey
> Gravy WERE vastly improved over those i had 6 years ago. The stuffing
> was tasty and fluffy - no longer a nasty gummy goo and with much less
> sage than last time. The gravy actually liquefied, rather than
> sitting in the pan in a gelid lump. It was certainly not as tasty as
> a well cooked turkey, but it was not longer an utter travesty, and i
> would recommend it to vegetarians or vegans who want something that
> reminds them of a traditional American Thanksgiving.
> I also had whole berry cranberry sauce, lightly steamed green beans,
> and a tiny baked sweet potato in its skin. However, i goofed. I got
> the kind that are yellow inside, and they're starchier tasting than
> the bright orange kind i meant to get. Sigh. And there are 2 more of
> them for me to eat over the next 2 days.
> I watched the American Kennel Club dog show broadcast from
> Philadelphia while i ate. Some of those dogs are such professionals,
> but a few still have doggy spirit.
> I hope everyone else who is celebrating it has had a great
> Thanksgiving, and everyone else who is not had a great day.
> I am thankful for this list and the long-distance friends i have made
> on it, some of whom i've even met in person and some i'll meet at
> Pennsic 2007.
> --
> Urtatim (that's err-tah-TEEM)
> the persona formerly known as Anahita
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