[Sca-cooks] OT - bologne

Irmgart irmgart at gmail.com
Thu Oct 26 11:55:58 PDT 2006

Throw it in soup like you would rice, add it to chili as an extender or a
ground beef replacement, make a salad or a pilaf (bulgur cooked with stock
and tossed with toasted pecans and dried cranberries is *yum*)


On 10/19/06, Patrick Levesque <petruvoda at videotron.ca> wrote:
> Some time ago, in a mad rush of optimism, I actually bought bulgur,
> figuring
> I'd give it a shot and broaden the kids' culinary horizons while there's
> still time (they say that eating habits are, on average, fixed before they
> reach 6 years of age. I guess I'm an exception, otherwise I'd still be
> exclusively feeding on fish sticks, meatballs in brown goop and ham to
> this
> day!).
> Problem is, I don't have the faintest idea what to do with it. I probably
> have a few recipes in cookbooks here and there, but I haven't managed to
> get
> up and actually cook one. Any suggestions?
> This said, I'm blessed with two wonderful boys who will eat anything, have
> a
> craving for brie and strong cheddar, fish and seafood, broccoli and
> asparagus. So I can't complain much. (Of course, they're 3 years and 14
> months old, respectively, so the worst is yet to come :-)))
> Petru
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