[Sca-cooks] Speaking of beets...

Stephanie Ross hlaislinn at earthlink.net
Wed Sep 6 19:17:42 PDT 2006

I was thinking of beets and Lombardy tarts today in the shower. I have made
Lombardy tarts with beet roots and thought they were great! However, I
can't recall another beet tart/pie recipe that specifies it is made with
beet roots, even in Russian cuisine. I know that there are a couple
different cultures and timeperiods where they made what was basically
quiche with herbs/greens in it. Are there any other beet tarts recipes made
with beet roots other than Lombardy tarts? Also, I have another question.
Were there certain shapes for making cofyns/coffins, and did the shapes
change over the centuries? I can't imagine anything more wasteful of space
in an oven than a round pie tin. Weren't coffins square for the most part?
What could you use to imitate a coffin pan? I think an 8 X 8 pan would be
too deep, but I'm really not sure.

Et si omnes ego non.

"The care of human life and happiness and not their destruction is the
first and only legitimate object of good government." --Thomas Jefferson to
Maryland Republicans, 1809.

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