[Sca-cooks] Speaking of beets...

grizly grizly at mindspring.com
Thu Sep 7 05:55:41 PDT 2006

-----Original Message-----
Marx Rumpolt, 1581

30. Nimb Ruben/ die gebraten seyn/ hack sie/ vnnd mach sie mit Butter an/
vnd versaltz es nicht/ so ist es ein gute Fu:ell in ein Turten.

30. Take roots (beets/turnips/carrots...)/ that have been fried/ chop
them/ and prepare them with butter/ and do not oversalt them/ so it
is a good filling for Turten.

Granted, the original does not specify which roots to use, but other
recipes in this cookbook call for "rot ruben" = "red root" which is
beet root, so i figure beets could be used in this dish.   < < < < <

Logically, if the red root is specifically listed in other recipes, would it
not seem that their omission here would suggest NOT using them in htis dish
as they are used in others?  Can you also provide the translator of the
version you quoted?  Helps us compare and copntrast.

niccolo difrancesco

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