[Sca-cooks] Nobody home today?

Saint Phlip phlip at 99main.com
Sun Apr 22 19:28:30 PDT 2007

On 4/22/07, Huette von Ahrens <ahrenshav at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I understand.  It was kind of ambiguous...  But it got this list talking again!
> Huette

Talking? Who's got time for talking? It wasn't bad enough that I've
got 4 cats who order me around, but now I've got a whole cage full of
geese and ducks and turkeys running me ragged. I swear, I don't
believe what those little buggers eat and drink. I just refilled the
gallon size water jug for the 4th time today as well as refilled both
their food containers. The 50 lb bag of feed we got will be done by
the end of the week. That's about 3 weeks for maybe 10 lbs of birds to
eat 50 lbs of feed- the little buggers are voracious!

Saint Phlip

Heat it up
Hit it hard
Repent as necessary.


It's the smith who makes the tools, not the tools which make the smith.

HIPAA Penalties

42USC1320d-6 Wrongful disclosure of individually identifiable health information

(a) Offense

A person who knowingly and in violation of this part-

(1) uses or causes to be used a unique health identifier;

(2) obtains individually identifiable health information relating to
an individual; or

(3) discloses individually identifiable health information to another person,

shall be punished as provided in subsection (b).

(b) Penalties

A person described in subsection (a) shall-

(1) be fined not more than $50,000, imprisoned not more than 1 year, or both;

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