[Sca-cooks] sauders/sandlewood

Daniel Myers edoard at medievalcookery.com
Thu Jan 4 11:40:55 PST 2007

On Jan 4, 2007, at 8:07 AM, Jadwiga Zajaczkowa / Jenne Heise wrote:

>> I don't remember seeing any replies to this question. If I remember
>> correctly, there are two types of sandlewood/sauders. One produces a
>> good red color ad is used in foods. The other doesn't, but has a nice
>> smell and is used in perfumery and such.
> "Saunders" ie red sandalwood, is the powdered wood of Pterocarpus
> santalina. It's not aromatic.
> Yellow sandalwood is the wood of Santalum album, a parasitic tree, no
> relation to saunders.

Please note that yellow sandalwood is not safe for human  
consumption.  Further, don't use sandalwood oil in cooking - it's  
likely to be yellow sandalwood oil, and the concentration of the  
hazardous compounds is much much higher.

- Doc

355. Take fayre water, an thanne presse hem on a fayre bord, an kyt  
it in smale pecys of the peny brede, an caste Sugre y-now ther-to, an  
loke that it be poynaunt an dowcet.  [The Boke of Swyllyng]

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