[Sca-cooks] A roast for a feast...

Saint Phlip phlip at 99main.com
Fri Nov 23 05:45:44 PST 2007

On Nov 23, 2007 4:42 AM, Stefan li Rous <StefanliRous at austin.rr.com> wrote:
> Phlip mentioned a "pirate" feast that didn't involve the Vikings:
> <<< One of the things we'll have, is an entire deer is being
> earmarked for
> the feast- Avraham and I will have to go butcher it once it gets shot-
> no big deal. But, having that as an option, it occured to me that
> since I'll be able to custom butcher it, why not make a presentation
> piece for later in the day, a Baron or Saddle of venison? >>>
> Years ago my barony was told we would have venison for the upcoming
> event. They were talking steaks and such. Unfortunately, the hunters
> weren't quite as good as they thought they were and we got venison
> stew because they had to stretch things further. I'd say keep a
> venison stew or some such n mind as a backup. :-)

We'll have plenty of time to make other plans. Hunting season's in the
next few weeks (depending which state they're in- in Ohio, I'd know
exactly, because they let the kids out of school in Morgan County for
the week) since the feast isn't until March

> <<< One thought I've had is to make some
> real hard tack, and since it's pretty hard to eat, use it for
> decorations, but edible decorations in case anyone doesn't mind losing
> a few teeth. Ideas along that line would be appreciated ;-) >>>
> Serve it with a soup or broth in which the hardtack can be soaked to
> soften it.

Well, the venison stew should be there, but I don't necessarily want
them eating the decorations ;-) ut, thoughts of what to shape the hard
tack into would help. For those who don't know what it looks like,
it's ordibarily a fairly thin, square or rectangular hard biscuit,
with holes punched through it to avoid air pockets.

> My father-in-law apparently used to make some hardtack that people
> liked. Not documentably period, but it didn't sound lie this
> necessary was supposed to be. Let me know you'd like and I'll see
> about getting the recipe.

Thanks, but Brandu's giving me a recipe, from his seafaring research.

> Or how about using period travel foods, other than hardtack?
> biscotti-msg      (16K)  9/ 3/06    Period biscotti, a twice-baked
> travel bread.

Very similar to the hard tack, I think.

> http://www.florilegium.org/files/FOOD-BREADS/biscotti-msg.html
> jumbals-msg        (8K) 10/12/03    Knotted twists of dough similar
> to pretzels.
> http://www.florilegium.org/files/FOOD-BREADS/jumbals-msg.html
> Litle-Morsels-art (18K)  6/23/06    "Little morsels or biscotti from
> 16th cent.
>                                        Italy" by Lady Helewyse de
> Birkestad.
> http://www.florilegium.org/files/FOOD-BREADS/Litle-Morsels-art.html
> Stefan

Part of what I'm trying to do is drag my end of it kicking and
screaming towards the more period parts of things- Avraham agrees. One
reason for wanting hard tack is to give the folks an appreciation of
what their imaginary pirates might actually have dealt with. There
really wasn't a pirate culture in period- rather there were crimes of
opportunity by seafarers of opposing nations, sometimes, or by
normally legitimate traders and the like who figured they could get
away with something. With that in mind, I'm conceiving of a tavern,
where the patrons will get both foods they're familiar with, as well
as foods they'd have been missing while they were at sea.

Saint Phlip

Heat it up
Hit it hard
Repent as necessary.


It's the smith who makes the tools, not the tools which make the smith.

.I never wanted to see anybody die, but there are a few obituary
notices I have read with pleasure. -Clarence Darrow

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