[Sca-cooks] Possible bargain on knife set for anyone interested...

Stefan li Rous StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
Sun Nov 25 22:34:42 PST 2007

Nichola didn't quote anyone, but I suspect some of this was directed  
my way...

<<< Ok I haven't looked at the Knives in question but Congrats on  
a decent set of knives.   Don't toss the old ones just yet though...
like has been stated take the New knives for a test drive.

It always amazes me when you just up and do things like that just
because we all were discussing it.   Were you actually shopping for
knives?  Sorry I am not scolding or anything it just amazes me. >>>

This isn't the first time we've discussed what makes a good kitchen  
knife. Most recently we discussed those ceramic bladed knives, which  
this outfit also had some of on sale.

No, I wasn't actively looking, but the set of knives I have I got at  
a garage sale when I was buying things to move out on my own after  
college, over 25 (gulp) years ago. While reasonable, being full- 
tanged stainless with wooden handles they don't don't have some of  
the best features that have been mentioned here before. Also, when  
Amra sharpened them several years ago, they gave him some problem and  
I got the impression that while okay metal they weren't the best.  
They all seem to have the same thickness blades for instance.

There is a lot of experience on this list and I respect that. I have  
never worked in a professional kitchen, and likely never will at  
least on a paying basis. I'm willing to learn from others and their  
mistakes. I'm willing to take a chance that the advice won't always  
be perfect, but it's going to be better than what I could do on my own.

I often buy using advice from Consumers Reports. There have been  
several notable failures with this (a less than reliable Sony VCR, a  
microwave that would randomly burst into flames and which I finally  
dumped several months ago, etc.). I replaced the microwave with a non- 
electronic one my parents had bought in 1982 when I bought my first  
one. My first one was the electronic version of that same model,  
also  bought in 1982. Other than the electronics going bad in the  
first month or two, it worked flawlessly until a few years ago.

As a side note, those old manual microwaves can fail. I opened the  
door a few month ago to find that the glass tray in the bottom of the  
microwave had an inch or so sized hole *melted* in it and globules of  
melted glass around the inside. Apparently the mechanical switch is  
going bad and sometimes the oven doesn't quite turn off, since I've  
seen that happen since then. I had no idea that a consumer microwave  
oven could get hot enough to melt (Pyrex?) glass. Now we check to  
make sure it turns off and if it malfunctions, manually turn the knob  
to off. But despite this abuse the oven still runs.

I can also be tempted by sales, although much less so on consumer  
merchandize than on books. I buy books faster than I can find the  
time to read them. And with remainders there is a good chance if I  
don't buy a book I'm interested in, I may never see it available again.

  <<< Pros and Cons...
Wodden handles have to be oiled.  Plastic Doesn't.  Wood handles can
splinter Plastic Can Shatter, Wood handles can do the same as a Wood
cutting board and develop/store bacteria if not cared for.  Plastic
can melt, wood can burn.... So there are ups and downs.... >>>

I thought wood was supposed to be anti-microbial. Although perhaps  
the final word on that is still out.

<<< They recommend hand washing because of the danger of a dishwaasher
heating element distempering the steel in the blade. (Detempering?,
Untempering? ah hell Phlip help out here...) :) >>>

I think that would have to be awfully hot water to reach the  
temperatures needed to effect steel. I don't think you can achieve it  
in one or two atmospheres of pressure.

<<< In reality it Could Happen but usually won't.  I have run mine
throught the Hobart but wouldn't put it in my home dishwasher...
(Think of what happens during the drying cycle...) >>>

 From other discussion here, I thought a Hobart was a big, bread/cake  
mixer. "Hobart" is a brand name covering different types of  
institutional kitchen appliances?

<<< Quick basic run down on the knives for you... >>>

Thanks for the run-down on these.

<<< Oh and the Steak Knives I assume you figured out... >>>

Yes, they sound great for carving wooden tent stakes when you leave  
your metal ones at home. :-)

<<< But are also great (if they are serrated ) for "sawing" pretzels  
working with Gingerbread Houses... or other Subtlties... >>>

You mean soft or unbaked pretzels, right? It would seem like the  
regular pretzels would shatter it lots of tiny pieces and crumbs.

THLord Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad    Kingdom of Ansteorra
    Mark S. Harris           Austin, Texas           
StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
**** See Stefan's Florilegium files at:  http://www.florilegium.org ****

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