[Sca-cooks] Freckles

Laura C. Minnick lcm at jeffnet.org
Fri Oct 26 10:08:10 PDT 2007

At 08:33 AM 10/26/2007, you wrote:

>Sorry to hear about the freckles. I'm sure there is an elist support group
>as well as a section in the Floriegium to help you deal with the issue. There
>is also a fund-raising concert featuring Bono of U2 being held in Bolivia next
>month to raise awareness of the tragedy of freckles.

You know Gunthar, was do have a very liberal membership policy, and I 
would bet the farm that you would qualify- I don't know any 
red-headed Swedish pig farmers who _don't_ have freckles!

'Lainie, who does _not_ have Spattergoit, thankyouverymuch!
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