[Sca-cooks] Fadalat Yeast Soup

Lilinah lilinah at earthlink.net
Thu Sep 6 17:44:18 PDT 2007

Suey wrote:
>Sopas de levadura
>Se coge una olla nueva y se vierte en ella bastante cantidad de agua y
>sal, con un poco de hinojo, an?s, alcaravea y un diente de ajo sin
>mondar, y se pone a la lumbre.

Actually, it specifies "un diente de ajo sin mondar" - a unpeeled 
clove of garlic.

>Luego se toma levadura muy fermentada, y
>se desl?e con agua caliente en una sopera. con ayuda del cuchar?n.

Here it specifies that the hot water is put into the "sopera"  "con 
ayuda del cucharo'n", that is, with the help of a ladle.

Also,based on reading the other recipes from the Fadalat and checking 
Spanish dictionaries, a "sopera" is a tureen or soup pot, not a mere 

>Cuando el ajo est? casi cocido, se vierte la levadura desle?da en la
>olla y se remueve sin cesar con el cuhar?n hasta que llega al grado de
>cocci?n consabido, y no mas, porque este guiso es agradable cuando queda
>claro. Luego se vuelca en la fuente y se come. El que quiera puede
>quitar el diente de ajo, y dejarrlo el que lo quiera comer.
>Yeast Soup
>Take a new pot and fill it with water and salt, add a little fennel,
>anise, caraway, and...
an unpeeled clove of garlic and put it on the fire

>Then take well
>fermented yeast and dissolve it in hot water in a soup bowl
... (or soup pot or tureen) with the aid of a ladle

>When the
>garlic is done, pour the dissolved yeast into the pot and stir
>constantly with a ...
>...until cooked as usual and no more because
>it is pleasant when clear.

>pour into a bowl and
eat it.
He who wishes can remove the clove or garlic, and leave it in who 
wishes to eat it.

Sorry, i really think some of the flavor of a recipe is lost when it 
is simplified.

Urtatim (that's err-tah-TEEM)
the persona formerly known as Anahita

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