[Sca-cooks] Baysar (with favas) - Fadalat

Lilinah lilinah at earthlink.net
Wed Sep 5 17:04:20 PDT 2007

Note that i'm selecting these at random, rather than in any 
particular order... Again, rather literal.

Otro plato, que se guisa con habas secas trituradas, llamado Baysar

Se coge carne y grasa de un borrego gordo y de los tripicallos.
Se cortan, se lavan, se limpian
y se ponen en una olla nueva con sal, aceite, pimienta, cilantro 
seco, comino, cebolla cortada
y se pone la olla a la lumbre, movie'ndola de cuando en cuando hasta 
que el agua de la carne se evapora y va a quedarse seca.
Entonces se le echa agua caliente para el caldo  y se deja cocer la 
olla a la lumbre.
Luego se cogen las habas machacadas y se lavan varias veces con agua caliente.
Seguidamente se untan de aciete y se ponen en una olla untada de aceite,
con agua caliente, una cebolla entera, una cabeza de ajos entera, 
comino e hinojo,
y se pone la olla a cocer a la lumbre, sin dejar de mover hasta que 
las habas esta'n tiernas.
Si antes de estar cocidas se seca el agua, se les a(ny)ade agua 
caliente, hasta que quedan bastante cocidas.
Luego se toma sal y se disuelve en un plato;
se coge una cuchara, se rncte en la olla, se echa la sal y se 
remueven las habas,
estruja'ndolas con la cuchara, hasta que se desli'en.
Se cuela, se sazona de sal y se deja.
Luego se mira la carne, y si esta' ya cocida,
se le a(ny)aden las habas poco a poco para que se mezclen con la carne,
dejando la olla sobre el rescoldo, durante un rato, para que vaya enfria'ndose.
Se sirve en una fuente y se come.

Another Dish, that is stewed with dry crushed favas, called Baysar

Take meat and fat of a fat lamb and the tripe.
Cut them, wash them, clean them
and put them in a new pot with salt, oil, pepper, coriander seed, 
cumin, cut onion,
and put the pot on the fire, moving it sometimes until the water of 
the meat evaporates and it is going to remain dry. (this line clearly 
needs improvement)
Then put hot water for the broth in it and let the pot cook on the fire.
Next take crushed favas and wash them several times with hot water.
Next they are greased with oil and they are put in a pot greased with oil,
with hot water, a whole onion, a whole head of garlic, cumin and fennel,
and put the pot to cook on the fire, without letting to move until 
favas are tender.
If before being cooked the water dries up, add hot water to them, 
until they are cooked enough.
Next take salt and dissolve it in a dish;
take a spoon, put it in the pot, add the salt and remove the favas,
squeezing them with the spoon, until they disunite (pop open? pop out 
of their skins?).
Strain it, season it with salt and leave it.
Next look at the meat, and if it is already cooked,
little by little add the favas so that they mix with the meat,
leaving the pot on the embers, during awhile, so that it is cooled off.
Serve it in a platter and eat it.

Urtatim (that's err-tah-TEEM)
the persona formerly known as Anahita

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