[Sca-cooks] Fwd: lyme disease at Pennsic

ranvaig at columbus.rr.com ranvaig at columbus.rr.com
Wed Aug 13 00:57:21 PDT 2008

I know that several on this list were at Pennsic.


>Subject: [SCA-Herbalist] Lyme Disease at Pennsic
>I just got a call from Mistress Alizaunde who noticed a rash at
>Pennsic, and when she got it checked Monday was admitted to the hospital
>for Lyme Disease, where she is now being treated. She would very much
>like to have the information circulated to all SCA lists so that anyone
>who was at Pennsic and may have also gotten bitten can also get
>"Lyme disease causes flu-like symptoms, including fever, muscle pain,
>arthritis-like joint pain, fatigue, and a skin rash. In rare cases, it
>can lead to temporary paralysis of the muscles in the face, or serious
>heart or nervous system problems. Early treatment with antibiotics is
>important to avoid long-term problems. Although symptoms sometimes last
>for months, early treatment increases the likelihood that they will
>clear up completely."
>"About 75% of the people who contract Lyme disease don't remember
>being bitten by a tick."
>Please send this on to lists I may have missed- we'd hate to have
>anyone wait too long because they didn't think of checking for Lyme.
>Hlæfdige Arastorm, Stonemarche, EK >>>
>Yours in Service,
>Chad M. White
>Crimthann of Fid-Nemed
>'Habit maketh no monke, ne wearing of gilt spurs maketh no knight'
>-Thomas Usk, under-sheriff of London, 1387

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