[Sca-cooks] *cough* Need recipe ideas

Stefan li Rous StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
Wed Dec 24 21:06:35 PST 2008

Hrothny asked for recipes using various unusual parts:

<<<You see, we have a new "International" store in our area. And they  
have an,
um, unusual selection of meats available so I was, um, wondering -  
got a good idea of how to cook "Beef Pizzel"? 'Cause I think the  
High Table" possibilities* are quite amusing.

I *think* I remember seeing some historical recipes for it but they  
are not
where I can find them. >>>

Check this files in the FOOD-MEATS section of the Florilegium (where  
else? :-) )

organ-meats-msg  (114K) 11/14/08    Period cooking of organ meats.

I know there are at least two recipes in there using Beef or lamb  
pizzle, but one may be out of period since it mentions using tomatoes.

There are some Icelandic ones where the testicles or pizzle are  
preserved in whey. I'm not sure if that would improve or not your  
chances of the Royals eating your dish.

Depending upon what other parts you can get there are a number of  
other recipes in this file for things like heart.

There are also these files:
liver-msg         (46K)  1/15/08    Medieval cooking of liver. Recipes.
eels-msg          (28K)  1/17/08    Eel dishes. Getting and cleaning  
exotic-meats-msg (100K)  4/18/08    Period and SCA exotic meats.  
Swans, ostrich,
                                        crawfish, dormice, cat.
horse-recipes-msg (34K) 10/16/04    Period horse recipes. References.

(Of course I like the story of Huette? serving the pig brains to the  
THLord Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad    Kingdom of Ansteorra
    Mark S. Harris           Austin, Texas           
StefanliRous at austin.rr.com
**** See Stefan's Florilegium files at:  http://www.florilegium.org ****

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