[Sca-cooks] yorkshire pudding

Sandra Kisner sjk3 at cornell.edu
Sun Jul 6 16:46:45 PDT 2008

>"There _are_ some English baked pudding recipes (in both name and form)
>beginning, I'd guess, in the late 16th, early 17th centuries, but none
>quite like Yorkshire pudding, AFAIK. There may be an issue regarding the
>availability of hardish wheat flours in England at whatever time we're
>talking about. You need at least some gluten to get that dramatic rise.
>Of course, if there is an Italian precedent, that may not matter.
>It probably is Georgian. Anybody have a copy of Hannah Glasse handy?

 From Randolph C. Williams' reprint of the 1796 edition of Hannah Glasse 
(long s retained):

p. 190
A Yorkfhire Pudding.
Take a quart of milk and five eggs, beat them up well together, and mix 
them with flour until it is of a good pancake batter, and very fmooth; put 
in a little falt, some grated nutmeg, and ginger; butter a dripping or 
frying pan and put it under a piece of beef, mutton, or a loin of veal that 
is roafting, and then put in your batter, and when the top fide is brown, 
cut it in fquare pieces, and turn it, and then let the under fide be brown; 
then put it in a hot difh as clean of fat as you can, and fend it to table hot.

Phew - all one sentence!  So this isn't a (modern) "put the batter in a pan 
full of hot dripping and bake it" recipe, but something similar to older 
recipes of catching the juice dripping from meat as it roasts, but with 
batter in the pan instead of bread.  Also OOP, but older than I had been 
aware the name was in use.


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