[Sca-cooks] Primary Source Cook Book Available

Sam Wallace sam_wallace at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 15 12:51:17 PDT 2008

If I do not mistake what the description says, I found a 17th century 
manuscript for sale:

Deutsche Handschrift in brauner Tinte auf Papier, Blattgröße ca. 19,6 x 16 
cm. Der Kodex wurde im Laufe des 17. Jahrhunderts, beginnend um circa 1620, 
von verschiedenen Händen geschrieben. Bei nachgetragenen Rezepten finden 
sich Datierungen in die Jahre 1669-1689. Das Wasserzeichen bilden zwei von 
einem Torbogen verbundene Türme auf einem nach unten spitz auslaufenden 
Antiquariat Elvira Tasbach
(Berlin, , Germany)
Book Price:
US$ 2793.21


I know this is not a totally uncommon thing, but I wasn't actively looking 
for it. I just don't happen to have that much money in my pocket at the 
moment, or I would go out and buy it now. Also, I tried to respomd to a 
question about a previous post I had made concerning pickles. I am sorry 
that did not seem to go through. The recipe I posted was from Lancelot de 
Casteau's Ouverture de Cuisine. Sorry for the lag.



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