Lilinah lilinah at earthlink.net
Thu Sep 18 23:46:40 PDT 2008

'Lainie wrote:
>I'm pulling together the shopping list/ menu, etc for this weekend's
>tourney, and have found that a recupe I want to use is mysteriously
>missing from my notebook. It was called 'Angel food', was a blend of
>soft cheeses and (I think) rosewater and sugar. But I can't find it
>anywhere and a quick search of online sources are not turning it up.
>Does anyone recognize it, offhand, Where is it from? I really want to
>make it this weekend but I'm not certain on the ingredients!

It's from Sent Sovi. SCAdians usually use ricotta, but other fresh 
cheese is probably more period

Here's the original in the Florilegium

It's from Sent Sovi. "Menyar d'Angels" or Angel's Food.

"If you want to eat the fresh curds, put the curds in the mortar and pound
with some good white sugar. And when pounded together, blend in some rosewater
or orange flower water, and put it in bowls or dishes or whatever you like, and
serve it at table. And if you don't wish to use the sugar, add some good
honey. And you can do the same with fresh cheese, which is better, and it is
called angel's food."
--- from Barbara Santich, The Original Mediterranean Cuisine.


Here's a recipe on that Florilegium page:
From: "Barbara Benson" <vox8 at mindspring.com>
To: <sca-cooks at ansteorra.org>
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2002 22:16:10 -0500
Subject: [Sca-cooks] Angel's Food

I am terribly pleased to be of assistance to you good sir! I make angel's
food frequently to take as "snackies" to events and share with friends.

I usually bring along pizzelles and a tart jam/preserve to go with it. You
smear the angel's food onto the pizzelle and then top with the preserve & it
is quite tasty. I also tend to pack shrewsbury cakes and have one good
friend who is in the habit of making a shrewsbury cake/angel's food oreo!

Happy snacking,

Serena da Riva

Angel's Food
Modern translation by THL Temair Carra


5 oz fresh Ricotta cheese
5 oz marscapone cheese
2 T sugar
2 T orange flower water (to taste)

Mix cheeses with fork or whisk.  Mix in sugar.  Add a small amount of orange
water and increase if needed (amount will depend on the concentration of the
orange water).  Do not use orange oil.  Fluff before serving.

Bibliography: Libra de Sent sovi (Catalan 1324 or before)

Source: Menyar D'`ngels (con sa deu manyar matr cens bolir, o fformatges) Si
vols menyar lo mato, prin lo matr e met-lo en lo morter; e pique'l be ab bon
sucre blanc.  E quant ser` picat, axeteu ab aygua-rrs ho naffa, e met-lo en
gresals ho en escudelles ho ab qui.t vuylles; e drna-ho a menyar.  E si no y
volies metre sucre al piquar, met-hi de bona mel.  E axm matex sse ffa cel
fformatge ffresc, he diu-hi millor, e anomene's menyar d'`ngels.

Translation: If you want to eat the fresh curds, put the curds in the mortar
and pound with some good white sugar.  And when pounded together, blend in
some rosewater or orange-flower water, and put it in bowls or dishes or
whatever you like; and serve it at table.  And if you don't wish to use
sugar, add some good honey.  And you can do the same with fresh cheese,
which is better, and it is called angel's food.


Here's a recipe i found for it on the web

   330 grams ricotta
   1 - 2 tablespoons honey
   1 - 2 teaspoons orange flower water or rosewater

Fluff the ricotta with a fork and whisk in the honey or sugar and the 
desired flavouring. Add a small amount to begin with, and then more 
as necessary. Serve with sponge fingers or biscuits.


I've also had it with some chopped toasted almonds sprinkled on it. 
That was gooood.
Urtatim (that's err-tah-TEEM)
the persona formerly known as Anahita

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