[Sca-cooks] Ka-ak four, Cariadoc zero

David Friedman ddfr at daviddfriedman.com
Sat Aug 29 11:58:49 PDT 2009

After about four tries, I'm giving up on the Ka-ak recipe from Wusla; 
the best I can manage turns out as a somewhat greasy and rather bland 
pie crust cookie. For anyone else interested, here's the recipe:

"Ka'k which used to be made by al-Hafiziyya, the servant girl of 
al-Malik al-'Adil the Great [Saladin's brother]. Take samid, sprinkle 
it with hot water in the evening and leave it without moistening 
further. In the morning, knead it with sweet almond oil, fresh milk 
and leaven, for every pound of flour half a pound of almond oil. Make 
into thin ka'ks [referring to the shape] and bake, and it comes out 
well. With all this, if you want, you can make kulaija (Persian 
kuleicheh); it enters in its chapter."

In his email to me, Charles Perry added:

"The recipe that follows this, for a tandoor bread, says to add the 
same flavorings (abazir, which properly means spices, though no 
spices were called for) as in the preceding recipe."


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