[Sca-cooks] Period substitute for tomatoes?

Barbara Nostrand nostrand at demoivre.org
Sun Aug 23 20:58:26 PDT 2009

Noble Cousin!

Greetings from Solveig!
> Good point. It's what I did at that first event. I made one meal at  
> home and brought it, refrigerated but not frozen, to heat over the  
> fire starting right when I got there. The second meal, I prepped at  
> home and froze, then stuck in the cooking pot over the lower heat,  
> to reheat and gently cook over Shabbat. It worked out pretty well.  
> I guess I can keep doing that.
Congratulations! It sounds like you had a yummy event.

Yes, I am reading your notes well after the fact. The discussion is  
interesting, so please forgive my late postings.

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