[Sca-cooks] "Bojal" wheat

t.d.decker at att.net t.d.decker at att.net
Tue Dec 29 16:35:06 PST 2009

Given the location and the time frame, I might suggest durum, which is a very hard wheat.

> Suey wrote: 
> > According to the Wikipedia article "Historia de la gastronomia de 
> > Espana," from the 7th 
> > C BC Carthaginians cultivated common wheat, barley, germinated spelt 
> > and "bojal" wheat. "Boj" means boxwood in English but this word 
> > "bojal" does not seem to appear anywhere in google except in this 
> > article. The word is not found in the Royal Academy of Spain's 
> > dictionary. Any ideas as to what the English equivalent could be? 
> > My hunch is that it could be red wheat but we have hard and soft, 
> > winter and spring??? 
> > Suey 
> > 
> We are working on this here. I have asked Wilipedia to define this but 
> have had no reply yet. I have a new theory. I associate boj/boxwood with 
> red. In the 8th Century BC I think we had common wheat and buckwheat in 
> Spain. Buckwheat in Spanish is 'alforfon, trigo negro or trigo 
> sarraceno.' Saracen wheat to me would be red, as well as hard red winter 
> wheat etc. Can anyone add to this? 
> Suey 

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