[Sca-cooks] Hello, Intorducing myself

David Walddon david at vastrepast.com
Wed Dec 9 14:49:41 PST 2009

That is how I do my Turducken for Holiday's.
I make smaller versions using breasts and thighs and such instead of the
whole beasts. 
First it is much easier than boning whole animals and second it cooks
without the chance of a raw center.
I think I shared the recipe last year on the list.

On 12/9/09 12:35 PM, "Elaine Koogler" <kiridono at gmail.com> wrote:

> I actually did one of the recipes from the Andalusian corpus...though
> circumstances prevented me from using a whole lamb, which meant that I
> couldn't use a whole chicken either.  So I used a lamb roast which I
> butterflied and carved out a little of the center (which went to make the
> sausages used further "in"), stuffed it with chicken breasts, then the
> sausages and a kind of "stuffing" that the recipe called for.  You do have
> to be very careful to make sure that the thing cooks all the way through,
> even for something smaller like this.  But it was a grand success...folks
> seemed to really enjoy it.  We had all of the parts made up prior to the
> event, then put everything together, using cooking twine to tie the roast up
> for cooking.
> Kiri
> On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 2:51 PM, Robin Carroll-Mann
> <rcarrollmann at gmail.com>wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 2:18 PM,  <edoard at medievalcookery.com> wrote:
>>> I haven't seen any medieval sources that have a recipe even remotely
>>> similar to what you're describing.  Turkey is of course problematic in
>>> that it's a new-world animal (perhaps swan or goose could be used as a
>>> substitute), but even putting that aside, none of the recipes I recall
>>> used a *whole* animal as a stuffing for another.  Chopped or ground meat
>>> was sometimes used.
>>> Given that my focus of research is England and France from about 1000 to
>>> 1500, there may be something from other regions or time periods.
>> *buzz*  Alex, I'll take medieval Spanish cuisine for $800, please.
>> I don't know if this is in the Florilegium, but I posted a message a
>> while back to this list about instructions in an early 15th c. carving
>> manual for stuffing a roast, gilded calf with whole roasted fowls,
>> also a sheep or goat stuffed with small birds.
>> http://lists.whatwg.org/pipermail/sca-cooks-ansteorra.org/2006-August/002357.
>> html
>> The Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook, which is from 13th c. Muslim Spain,
>> has some similar recipes, including the only recipe I've seen that is
>> close to a turducken (ie., with multiple beasts each inside the next,
>> like Russian nesting dolls).
>> Roast Calf, which was made for the Sayyid Abu al-'Ala in Ceuta[6]
>> Take a young, plump lamb, skinned and cleaned. Make a narrow opening
>> between the thighs and carefully take out everything inside of it of
>> its entrails. Then put in the interior a roasted goose and into its
>> belly a roasted hen and in the belly of the hen a roasted pigeon and
>> in the belly of the pigeon a roasted starling and in the belly of this
>> a small bird, roasted or fried, all this roasted and greased with the
>> sauce described for roasting. Sew up this opening and place the ram in
>> a hot tannur and leave it until it is done and browned. Paint it with
>> that sauce and then place it in the body cavity of a calf which has
>> been prepared clean; sew it up and place it in the hot tannur and
>> leave it until it is done and browned; then take it out and present
>> it.
>> http://www.daviddfriedman.com/Medieval/Cookbooks/Andalusian/andalusian1.htm#H
>> eading25
>> I don't know why the recipe title says "Roast Calf", but the recipe
>> itself begins with a lamb.  Scribal error?
>> Brighid ni Chiarain
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