[Sca-cooks] Horse Breeding OT But!... I know someone willknowthe answer...

Ratt rattkitten at bellsouth.net
Fri Dec 25 16:48:54 PST 2009

Yes but the question was answered and already over... and it was 
strictly horses....

Daniel & Elizabeth Phelps wrote:
> Was written:
> You are starting to get out of period and into Restoration, Regency, 
> Napoleonic and even Victorian era stuff.  If so you might want to 
> include artillery horses of which there were at least two varieties if 
> I read my histories correctly.  What surprises me is that no one has 
> mentioned mules in period.  They came in at least two varieties, 
> draft/pack and riding. There is currently extant a rare breed of 
> rather large French donkey that was kept specifically to bred riding 
> mules if I recall correctly.  Not sure if it is period however.  That 
> of course brings up the issue of donkeys and asses.

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