[Sca-cooks] candied corn

S CLEMENGER sclemenger at msn.com
Thu Jan 1 07:05:22 PST 2009

Like sugar plums, of course.  Very tiny sugar plums.  Each corn kernel is 
cut in half to remove the pit.  Then it's a layer of sugar, a layer of corn, 
a layer of sugar, etc.  Until the pan is full.  Takes about 9 days (I'm 
using the Sugar Plum recipe from your Florithingy.), at which point, the 
corn kernels are transformed in shape, color and size.  Don't ask me how, 
but somewhere along the way, they grow in size, and acquire other 
colors--most often, a striped pattern of yellow, orange, and white, although 
I've also seen some with brown.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Stefan li Rous" <stefanlirous at austin.rr.com>
To: <sca-cooks at lists.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 01, 2009 2:59 AM
Subject: [Sca-cooks] candied corn

> "Maire said -- Spiced cider and candy corn and roast pork! I don't
> understand all this champagne nonsense! (j/k)"
> Candy corn?   Candy Corn"  I LOVE Candy Corn!
> Jo (Georgia L.) Foster
> -----
> So how do you candy your corn?  Do you cut it off the cob first? Do
> you do it similar to the way you do candied peel? Or does it end up
> more like comfits? Do you use honey or sugar?
> :-)
> er, Stefan
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