[Sca-cooks] A translation...... maybe?

V O voztemp at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 14 14:04:00 PST 2011

I got curious and last week looking thru the Rumpolt files, and I think I found 
a cheese recipe.  

Zugemüß 149.  Nim~ Geiß/ Schaf vnd Kühmilch/ eins so viel als deß andern/ thu es 

zusam~en in einen Hafen/ rür auch ein wenig Lab darvnter/ setz zur wärm/ so 
wirdt es gerinnen/ laß nicht gar zu hart werden/ daß nur halb gerinnet.  Thu 
vnter das Molcken widerumb Lab/ setz auff ein Feuwer/ daß auff ein neuwes 
gerinnet/ schüt es auff ein saubers Tuch/ daß das Wasser gar davon kompt/ thu es 

mit dem Tuch auff ein Schüssel/ die Löcher hat/ bedeck dz obertheil mit dem 
Tuch/ laß also vber Nacht stehen/ so wirt es hart/ vnd wen~ du es wilt 
anrichten/ so thu das Tuch darvon/ leg ein Weinblat darauff/ vnd nim~ ein 
Schüssel/ vnd bedecks mit dem Weinblat/ stürtz vmb/ vnnd nim~ die Schüssel davon 

hinweg/ darnach das Tüchlein/ so bleibet es auff de~ Weinblat/ ist schön vnnd 
zierlich.  Vnd also macht man die Meykäß/ so werden sie fein gelb/ als wenn man 
Saffran hett darvnter gethan.  Vnnd wenn mans isset/ so streicht man es auff ein 

Weck/ zuckert vnnd saltzt es/ wie man es haben wil.

And after a bit of work, (wheeeeeu, old german is Hard!!!!  Thank you for the 
word translation files in the cooking rumpolt list!) I think I have a fair 
translation.  Please look it over and let me know what you all think.

Zugemuss 149 
Prepared puree (mash?) 149.  
Take goat/sheep and cow milk/as much of one also the other/and add it all to one 
pot/stir a little rennet into it/set to warm/so it starts to curdle/but it does 
not become to hard/that it is not half curdled.  On the other hand add to the 
whey rennet/set on the fire/ that will be a new curdle/pour into a clean cloth/ 
that the water (whey) will come out from it/then with a pot full of holes (that) 
is covered with a cloth/to set overnight/so it becomes hard (set)/an when may 
you will it plate it up/take the cloth from it/lay  grape leaves on top of 
it/and take the pot/and cover with the grape leaves/turn it over and remove the 
pot away from it /after the cloth is removed/so does the grape leaf on it/it is 
beautiful and good.  And also makes one called May cheese/so will become it a 
fine gold/also when one/adds saffron to it.  And when does/so press it into a 
loaf/sugar and salt it/as one will have it be.  

Now, to me this sounds like a first curd production, for a seperate cheese, and 
then a second one with the whey being curdled again.  Which is actually the 
process for making ricotta.  So the ricotta is decorated with grape leaves, and 
the May cheese will become the fine gold?  Is that how you guys read it?  

And wow, goat, sheep and cow milk..........  that would be interesting!

There were a couple of words that I couldn't get, so i put my guess into 




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