[Sca-cooks] A translation...... maybe? LONG cheese

Susanne Mayer susanne.mayer5 at chello.at
Wed Feb 16 12:06:16 PST 2011

Hello all,

I tried to put in the fancy characters that got dumped by the computer, 
hopefully into something that will show up on every machine the same: all 
vowels with dots became a:,u:,o: and the -literaly translated- 'sharp S' 
became a double ss,
The lying wave can be a couple of thnings in nim a -b- or double -mm- or 
something other, I dont know what excatly, if I can't look on the original, 
but that does not hinder understanding.

I did sort modern (well up fronm the 60ties) recipes last weekend, collceted 
from various magazines including some farmers recipes on cheese making, as 
soon as I find them I'll post that and you can compare.

In some parts I would translate different, I put the whole translation as I 
would do it in between  the german sentences

> I?got curious and last week looking thru the?Rumpolt?files, and?I think I 
> found
> a cheese recipe.?

Yes you did!

> Zugemu:ss 149.?

is just -side dish-  mostly vegetables but any thing going as side dish will 

> Nim~ Geiss/ Schaf vnd Ku:hmilch/ eins so viel als dess andern/ thu es
>zusam~en in einen Hafen/ ru:r auch ein wenig Lab darvnter/ setz zur wa:rm/ 
> wirdt es gerinnen/ lass nicht gar zu hart werden/ dass nur halb gerinnet.

Take goat/sheep and cow milk/as much of one also the other/and add it all to 
pot/stir a little rennet into it/set to warm/so it will curdle/
Dont let it become too hard / so it is only half curdled.

>?(can't figuer out what that should have been)
>Thu vnter das Molcken widerumb Lab/ setz auff ein Feuwer/ dass auff ein 
>neuwes  gerinnet/ schu:t es auff ein >saubers Tuch /dass das Wasser gar 
>davon kompt/

Put to the whey again rennet / put it on a fire/ so it may curdle anew / 
pour it into a new cloth/ so that the water can come out (gar davon kompt : 
very much away comes / literally translated)

> thu es  mit dem Tuch auff ein Schu:ssel/ die Lo:cher hat/ bedeck dz 
> obertheil mit dem
> Tuch/ lass also vber Nacht stehen/ so wirt es hart/

Put it with the  cloth in a bowl which has holes (in the bottom - a sieve)/ 
cover the upper part with the cloth (we are still talking about the cloth 
the whey is in) / let it stand over night / it will get hard

>vnd wen~ du es wilt  anrichten/ so thu das Tuch darvon/ leg ein Weinblat 
>darauff/ vnd nim~ ein > Schu:ssel/ vnd >bedecks mit dem Weinblat/ stu:rtz 
>vmb/ vnnd nim~ die Schu:ssel davon hinweg/ darnach das Tu:chlein/ so 
>bleibet es >auff de~ Weinblat/ ist scho:n vnnd zierlich.?

And if you will serve it / so take the cloth away/ put a grape leaf on it / 
take a bowl (i would suppose a flatish bowl) and cover it (? probably a 
transcript error?) with the grape leaf / turn over / take away the bowl 
(this has to be the bowl with holes) / afterwards the cloth (here the 
diminuitive is used) so it will stay on the grape leaf /  is 
nice-fine-lovely-pretty and delicate-graceful-dainty (pick your favorite)

>Vnd also macht man die Meyka:ss/ so werden sie fein gelb/ als wenn man
 >Saffran hett darvnter gethan.? Vnnd wenn mans isset/ so streicht man es 
auff ein Weck/ zuckert vnnd saltzt es/ wie >man es haben wil.

and also (like this) make may cheese (from may milk see discusion ther we 
had that about may butter somewhere)/ they will become nicely yellow / as if 
one had mixed in saffron. and if you eat it/ spread it on a -roll-loaf 
(weck is a generic term for small loaf) / sugar or salt it / as one likes

This is as literal as possible and still retainig the meaning, so it will be 
easier to compare.There is nothing in this to say what happend to the first 
half curdled batch.

Again just my 2 cents ;-)


> Zugemuss 149
> Prepared puree (mash?) 149.?
> Take goat/sheep and cow milk/as much of one also the other/and add it all 
> to one
> pot/stir a little rennet into it/set to warm/so it starts to curdle/but it 
> does
> not become to hard/that it is not half curdled.? On the other hand add to 
> the
> whey rennet/set on the fire/ that will be a new curdle/pour into a clean 
> cloth/
> that the water (whey) will come out from it/then with a pot full of holes 
> (that)
> is covered with a cloth/to set overnight/so it becomes hard (set)/an when 
> may
> you will it plate it up/take the cloth from it/lay? grape leaves on top of
> it/and take the pot/and cover with the grape leaves/turn it over and 
> remove the
> pot away from it /after the cloth is removed/so does the grape leaf on 
> it/it is
> beautiful and good.? And also makes one called May cheese/so will become 
> it a
> fine gold/also when one/adds saffron to it.? And when does/so press it 
> into a
> loaf/sugar and salt it/as one will have it be.?
> Now, to me this sounds like a first curd production, for a seperate 
> cheese,?and
> then a second one with the whey being curdled again.? Which is actually 
> the
> process for making ricotta.? So the ricotta is decorated with grape 
> leaves, and
> the May cheese will become the fine gold?? Is that how you guys read it??
> And wow, goat, sheep and cow milk..........? that would be interesting!
> There were a couple of words that I couldn't get, so i put my guess into
> parenthisies.?
> Thanks!!
> Mirianna

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