[Sca-cooks] West Coast Culinary Symposium

David Walddon david at vastrepast.com
Thu Aug 23 08:03:35 PDT 2012

The West Coast Culinary Symposium will be in the Pacific Northwest in March of 2013! Registration is now open through ACCEPS (http://acceps.ansteorra.org/regit/event_main.php). Go to the main page and pull down AnTir Events. 

Please pre-register for the FANTASTIC event as soon as possible. The success of this event will depend on the pre-registrations that are received so submit early (and often!). 

This event, no matter where it is held, is always one of the highlights of the year. I hope to see you there. 

Please share this post with any of your culinary minded friends. 

The event website is linked below but you can also find a facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/groups/383006515059082/



Join me in voting to APPROVE R74

David Walddon
david at vastrepast.com
360-402-6135 Cell

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