[Sca-cooks] WEST Coast Culinary Symposium

David Friedman ddfr at daviddfriedman.com
Fri Feb 10 09:17:43 PST 2012

Prince Biscuit, Hais, Badinjan Muhassa, Bread of Abu Hamsa, Currant cakes made. Khushananaj dough made and rising. Packing mostly done. Handouts copied. Latest Miscellany proof copy ready to show off. See you tomorrow evening.

And if the ten copies of _How to Milk an Almond..._ that I ordered show up before I leave, I'll bring them to sell to anyone interested.

At Thu, 09 Feb 2012 10:07:52 -0500, Johnna Holloway wrote:
>Speech for the keynote address is written, handouts are done for EEBO  
>lecture, presentation is organized
>for the session on resources and research.
>Books are gathered including a copy of the soon to appear
>Cocatrice and Lampray Hay: Late Fifteenth-Century Recipes from Corpus  
>Christi College Oxford
>by the late Constance Hieatt.
>Yes I have a copy to show those in attendance.
>Luggage is in the car.
>Hope to meet and see lots of friends this weekend at the WCCulinary  
>> <http://www.compassstarcatering.com/westculinarysymposium2012.html>
>Catch the rest of you all later if and when I have internet.
>On Feb 3, 2012, at 11:52 AM, Johnna Holloway wrote:
>> No to Gulf Wars. It always seem to coincide with a busy time at the  
>> University.
>> I will however be at the West Coast Culinary Symposium which is  
>> taking place next weekend in Marin County, California.
>> <http://www.compassstarcatering.com/westculinarysymposium2012.html>
>> Hope to see lots of people there.
>> Johnnae
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