[Sca-cooks] The Pomegranate Tool

Sharon Palmer ranvaig at columbus.rr.com
Wed Dec 4 22:25:21 PST 2013

At 10:05 PM -0800 12/4/13, olwentheodd at yahoo.com wrote:
>Ya. In Denmark the kids i cook with use the wooden spoon or 
>underwater technique.
>On another note, the kids (think punks) have prepared minted peas 
>which they said they learned through the family. I never could pin 
>anyone down to how far back.

What I do myself is trim off each end so the red is revealed but not 
cut into.  Sometimes it takes a couple of shallow cuts.  Then score 
the outer peal with a knife,  break it apart into pieces, and break 
the arils off from the peel.  (I use my fingers but intend to try 
hitting the back of the peel with a spoon).  Since you don't cut the 
arils, there is very little mess.


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