[Sca-cooks] A few fifteenth century monk menus

JIMCHEVAL at aol.com JIMCHEVAL at aol.com
Thu Dec 5 09:33:27 PST 2013

This is the link to the pages in question in the book:
Studien und Mittheilungen aus dem Benedictiner- und  Cisterzienser  ..., 
Volume   22

Here's  one sample:
Sunday at dinner [now lunch] first fresh meat in black broth, second cooked 
 food with salt pork, third one type of roast, finally cheese. At supper of 
the  same day first fresh meat with parsley or other things in broth, 
second a cooked  dish of greens, third roasts from noon gathered and cold [i.e. 
cold leftovers  from dinner], and if necessary add lightly salted [? poccino 
salsem] meat,  finally cheese. 

Monday for the dinner first a dish [piece] of peas, second fresh fish in  
broth, third hot food with [? adiuneta] a thin egg tart, fourth  cheese.

Dominica die ad prandium primo carnes recentes in nigro brodio,  secundo 
pulmentum cum carnibus porcinis salsis, tertio assaturam unius generis,  
ultima caseum. Ad cenam eodem die primo carnes recentes cum petrocilino aut  
alias in brodio; secundo pulmentum de oleribus, tertio assaturas in meridie  
collectas frigidas, et si necesse fuerit, addantur carnes poccine salsem, 
ultimo  caseum.

Secunda feria ad prandium primo offam de pisis, secundo pisces recentes  in 
brodio tertio pulmentum adiuneta torta tenui de ovis, quarto caseum.
Jim  Chevallier
 (http://www.chezjim.com/) www.chezjim.com

Les Leftovers: sort of a food history  blog

In a message dated 12/5/2013 12:51:18 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
carlton_bach at yahoo.de writes:

I'll  give it a try over Christmas if you can send me the  file.

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