[Sca-cooks] Johnna's mishap

Sharon Palmer ranvaig at columbus.rr.com
Sun Dec 22 11:33:41 PST 2013

>This was Friday am. Got home from hospital yesterday afternoon and 
>will be in a non weight bearing cast for
>at least a month. Really limited activities. I have internet access 
>and a laptop and iPad but limited access to books and such.
>I'll be around in a probably more limited way.

I'm so sorry to hear about your accident, and hope you heal well and 
have a good holiday.

I had a bad fall in the beginning of October, fortunately no broken 
bones, but lots of bruising and spent two and a half weeks in bed 
with my leg up. Its still rather swollen. (And this was my good leg, 
so had two bad legs).


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