[Sca-cooks] Johnna's mishap

Saint Phlip saintphlip at gmail.com
Sun Dec 22 14:00:19 PST 2013

Hey, Johnna,

While I'm sorry that you're hurt, I'm glad it wasn't worse. I've gotten to
the point where I don't go do stuff outside without my cell phone, and
Margali doesn't shower unless Rob or I are here, just in case.

Enjoy the rest, as you can- I'm betting, as mentally busy as you usually
are, you can find yourself a project which you don't hafta drop to go do
for your gentlemen ;-) Make them do for you ;-) AND you don't hafta go out
in that white crap that's been visiting us lately ;-)

Take care,

Phlip (and Rob and Margali)

On Sun, Dec 22, 2013 at 1:50 PM, Johnna Holloway <johnnae at mac.com> wrote:

> For everyone who hasn't heard the gory details on another list, yes the
> following account is accurate.
> No I did not take a selfie of the ankle bent sideways but I have really
> gory digital X-ray prints.
> And it's the same leg as the torn up knee, so I don't have two bum legs.
> > Johnna missed the bottom step on a flight of stairs in her house this
> > morning and fell. Her son, Patrick took her to the hospital where it
> > was determined that she had three breaks in her leg and ankle that would
> > require surgery to repair.
> >
> > She has had ten pins inserted in the breaks and should be released from
> > the hospital tomorrow night. All bowling jokes have been made.
> >
> This was Friday am. Got home from hospital yesterday afternoon and will be
> in a non weight bearing cast for
> at least a month. Really limited activities. I have internet access and a
> laptop and iPad but limited access to books and such.
> I'll be around in a probably more limited way.
> Johnnae
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Saint Phlip

So, you think your data is safe?

Heat it up
Hit it hard
Repent as necessary.


It's the smith who makes the tools, not the tools which make the smith.

.I never wanted to see anybody die, but there are a few obituary notices I
have read with pleasure. -Clarence Darrow

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