[Sca-cooks] Johnna's mishap

James Prescott prescotj at telusplanet.net
Sun Dec 22 13:54:28 PST 2013

Hugs, and wishes for a quick and effective healing.


On 2013-12-22 11:50, Johnna Holloway wrote:
> For everyone who hasn't heard the gory details on another list, yes the following account is accurate.
> No I did not take a selfie of the ankle bent sideways but I have really gory digital X-ray prints.
> And it's the same leg as the torn up knee, so I don't have two bum legs.
>> Johnna missed the bottom step on a flight of stairs in her house this
>> morning and fell. Her son, Patrick took her to the hospital where it
>> was determined that she had three breaks in her leg and ankle that would
>> require surgery to repair.
>> She has had ten pins inserted in the breaks and should be released from
>> the hospital tomorrow night. All bowling jokes have been made.
> This was Friday am. Got home from hospital yesterday afternoon and will be in a non weight bearing cast for
> at least a month. Really limited activities. I have internet access and a laptop and iPad but limited access to books and such.
> I'll be around in a probably more limited way.
> Johnnae
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