[Sca-cooks] Stone age technology in a modern kitchen

Sharon Palmer ranvaig at columbus.rr.com
Mon Dec 23 21:04:37 PST 2013

Cast iron isn't exactly stone age.  Nor is the "stone age microwave" 
- a glass box where they can regulate heat and smoke.

>"At Niklas Ekstedt's restaurant, Ekstedt, there's no electricity in 
>the kitchen,
>aside from the required ventilation and refrigeration.
>Food is cooked over a fire pit in cast iron and on rotisseries, or 
>in a "stone age microwave,"
>or in a replica chimney. Ekstedt's food is technique-driven, but 
>those techniques are the opposite
>of the increasing gadgetry and modernism elsewhere - they harken 
>back to Scandinavian techniques of centuries past."
>website is here:  http://ekstedt.nu/english/

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