[Sca-cooks] roasted potatoes

Patricia Dunham chimene at ravensgard.org
Tue Dec 31 01:20:09 PST 2013

Hi Stefan, 8-)

we scrub the potatoes real good & clean off as needed, but don't peel them (skin helps hold things together when they get REAL done).

cut into approx half or 3/4 inch chunks. arrange with cut sides down for maximum liquid uptake!

we generally do the potatoes on the side with duck. too much grease comes off the ducks and it can burn. You CAN save and render/clarify the duck fat and use for potato-roasting later, but in a separate pan.


On Dec 30, 2013, at 9:49 PM, Stefan li Rous wrote:

> Chimene commented:
> <<< ROAST POTATOES under the bird. No mashed, no gravy -- who needs it when the potato chunks have stewed in fresh juice and stock for the whole 3-4 hours!!! Practically our favorite thing of the whole meal! >>>
> Ohhh. That does sound nice and easy. Do you put the potatoes under the bird whole or cut up? Peeled or not?
> Unfortunately, I'm not usually the one cooking the turkey for family get-togethers these days. But maybe I should suggest…
> Or, I wonder if you could cook potatoes under a duck. . .

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